Check out the new address for Sandwich Lovers Club! It's always a work in progress, so it wasn't a simple "export all the posts and comments and import them into the new blog" trick. The new site is a combination of the blog, "...but do sandwiches love me?", which was titled as a play on words of another sandwich blog out there, and the best of the original website, "Sandwich Lovers Club."
I think blogs have become, or are becoming, the most productive means of communication across the internet. Sure, you want people to visit your site and browse through all sublevels of pages and such, but there is a limited amount of interactivity between parties. Blogs have alleviated this, and with the advent of twitter, facebook, etc., you can add a nice widget that lets your readers find you and communicate and interact with you on different areas of the net. It's a very cool thing going on right now, and we're fortunate to experience it.
Unless Blogger needs to remove inactive blogs after X amount of time, I'm leaving this address and original SCL blog intact. This original blog has been not so much as a way to express my own knowledge and practice of sandwichness, but a way for me to find other related sites, blogs, tidbits of tasty information that I learn from. I am a simple man with simple tastes, but there is so much that I have tried and need to try from the experience of like-minded sandwich fiends. It's pretty crazy to think that the Club has been online for 5 years now! But it is the truth, I tell you. Check the new home for the Sandwich Lovers Club for any new posts, news, etc...I've gotta start planning for the celebration. Thanks for visiting. I'll see you there!
Thank you, Blogger, for hosting this blog. It's been fun! I love you, bloggie.